Photo Details
1.,2., August 15, 2005 - Draper,
Salt Lake County, Utah
3. Summer 2003 - Draper, Salt Lake
3.75 inches, wingspan 4.75 inches. Slender, small-headed thin-necked,
long bill, flat forehead. Tail tips are pointed and white, tail
projects slightly beyond wingtips
I found this distressed female
Hummingbird sitting on the
patio. Perhaps she hit a window or the Scrub-Jay or the Rufous hit her.
Since I had my camera outside, I sat down by her, guarded her from any
would-be predators and took some photos while she got her breath
back. Fortunately, she recovered after about ten minutes and flew
away. You can see a place on top of her head where the feathers
look out of place. She kept her wings spread in this pose the entire
time. I have always wanted to pet a wild bird, but managed
to refrain.