Spotted Tussock Moth
Lophocampa maculata

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Located July 25, 2014 - Second Instar
july 25

Molted on July 30, 2014 - Third Instar
july 30

Molted on July 30, 2014 - Third Instar
july 30

Molted on August 7, 2014 - Fourth Instar
august 7

August 7, 2014 - Fourth Instar

Molted to Fifth Instar 3P.M. 19 August 2014

Molted to Fifth Instar 3P.M. 19 August 2014

Molted to Fifth Instar 3P.M. 19 August 2014 - 30 mm long

Stopped Feeding and walked off the plant on 2 September
and on 3 September 2014 Began Spinning a Loose Cocoon

Using Its Own Hairs and Silk To Prepare to Pupate

Nest on 7 September 2014

Pupa - 12 September

Photos ©Nicky Davis

Ova emerged 2 September 2014 and look as if they could be Tussock Moth larvae
Nicky Davis located larva July 25, 2014 feeding on Coyote Willow at Butterfield Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah
Molted to 3rd instar on July 30, 2014
Molted to 4th instar August 7, 2014
Molted to 5th instar August 19, 2014
Stopped feeding, became agitated and began pacing around the container September 2, 2014
A place to pupate was prepared using a plastic container with a piece of brown paper towel in the bottom then an empty toilet paper roll cut to fit upright in the container and another piece of brown paper towel  placed over the toilet paper roll.  The caterpillar was placed inside the toilet paper roll and the plastic container lid was secured to the top.
The caterpillar began spinning a loose cocoon using its own hair and silk on September 3, 2014.

1st instar was 2 mm on 3 September 2014
4th instar was 25 mm on 11 August 2014
4th instar was 29 mm on 14 August
5th instar was 30 mm 19 August 2014
5th Instar was 36 mm 23 August 2014

Salix exigua - Coyote Willow

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