Chryxus Arctic - Oeneis chryxus chryxus -  Ova, Larvae, Pupae
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Photos in 2012

Ovum on 21 June 2012
ovum on 21 June 2012

Ova on 25 June 2012
ova on 25 June 2012

First Instar -  Hatched 30 June 2012 - Photo 1 July 2012
first instar - 1 July 2012

Second Instar - 6 mm - 7 July 2012
second instar

Second Instar - 6 mm - 7 July 2012 - Hatched 30 June 2012
second instar

Third Instar - 10 mm - 15 July 2012
third Instar 15 July 2012

Third Instar - 10 mm - 15 July 2012
Third Instar - 10 mm - 15 July 2012

#1 Fourth Instar  21 July 2012 - 15 mm long
4th Instar

#1 Fourth Instar  21 July 2012 - 15 mm long
4th instar

#4 Fifth Instar - Molted 30 June - Photo on 2 August 2012 - 25 mm long
5th Instar

#4 Fifth Instar - Molted 30 June - Photo on 2 August 2012 - 25 mm long
5th Instar


Pupa Photos

#3 Pupa formed 15 August 2012- 15 mm
#3 Pupa formed 15 August 2012 - 15 mm
#3 Pupa formed 15 August 2012 - 15 mm

#3 Pupa showing development - 24 August 2012
One day before adult emerged
developed pupa #3

#3 Pupa showing development - 24 August 2012
One day before adult emerged
developed pupa

#3 Pupa showing development - 24 August 2012
One day before adult emerged
developed pupa


Photos in 2010

Oviposited on blades of sedge
on blades of sedge

Oviposited on blades of sedge
on blades of sedge

On Tricot
on tricot

On Stems of Sedge
on stems

PHOTO DETAILS - ©Nicky Davis
Set 1 - 2012
LOCATION:  Todd Stout located a female 15 June 2012 at Beaver Creek, North of Fairplay, Park County, Colorado
elevation 10,900 feet or 3322 meters.

Ova:  The female oviposited on the net of the container  holding a potted  sedge. 19 June to  24th June 2012 - One hatched 30 June 2012. Eight others hatched over the next few days - 11 days as ovum.  Thirty-three eggs were laid and only 9 hatched - 27 per cent.

Larvae:  Larvae refused  Reed Canary Grass - Phalaris arundinaceae and Blue Grass - Poa  Pratensis. Number one was kept under continuous light.  Number one  molted to second instar 7 July 2012 - 6 mm - Seven days as first instar.  Number one molted to third instar 15 July 2012 - 10 mm long - Eight days as second instar. #1 Molted to Fourth Instar 21 July 2012 - 6 days as third instar.  ( #1 fourth instar seems to have gone into hibernation as of 30 July 2012 .  No frass since then.  The larvae that didn't hibernate fed as 5th instar for about 37 days for a total  of 60-66 days as larvae.

#3 Molted to fifth instar on 30 July 2012 and attained a maximum length of 30 mm on 9 August 2012.  #3 then became shorter and wider and was 27 mm on 11 August when it stopped feeding and left the plant.  It was placed on a damp circle of paper towel in a cello cup  and pupated between 10 P.M. 14 August  and  7 A.M. 15 August.

#4 molted to fifth instar on 30 July 2012 - 25 mm long as of 2 August 2012.  #4 spent 8 days as fourth instar (22nd to 30th of July).  #4 has also been kept under lights continuously.  Total time as larva was 66 days.

#5  Hatched  2 July 2012, molted to second instar after 7 days on 9 July, molted to third instar after 7 days on  16 July, molted to fourth instar after six days on 22 July, molted to fifth instar after nine days on 31 July, attained a maximum length of 29 mm  on 16 July became shorter and shorter  then left the sedge on 22 August at 22 mm long.

Pupae: 10 days from the day the pupae form until the adults emerge
Adult:  Unknown 
Broods:  Biennial per "Butterflies of North America" -  James A. Scott. 1986

Hibernation:  Overwinter as  first to third instar the first year and as fourth to sixth instar the second year per "Butterflies of North America"-  James A. Scott. 1986

Host:  Reared  on  Carex microptera
Set 2 - 2010
LOCATION: On 2 July 2010  two females were  located by Todd Stout at Christmas Meadows Road; East side of Utah Highway 150, .4 miles ESE Stillwater Campground, Summit County, Utah
ELEVATION: 8600 Feet

PHOTOS: Showing where the butterflies liked to oviposit.

Two females oviposited  over several days on sedge blades, stems, and tricot.  The ova all collapsed.

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