1. side view,
2. abdomen, 3. ovipositing, October 17,
2005, Antelope Island, Davis
County, Utah ©Nicky
Family Tree
Order: Hymenoptera, Sub-Order: Apocrita, Super-Family: Ichneumonoidea, Family:
Braconidae, Sub-Family:
Agathidinae, Genus: Bassus, Species: sensu stricto
I have just consulted with Dr.
Mike Sharkey (my graduate advisor and an expert on agathidine braconids
at the University of Kentucky)and he identifies this as belonging to
the genus Bassus sensu stricto. This is based on the following logic.
There are three main agathidine genera with the "long face" (Agathus,
Bassus, and Cremnops). Agathus is almost always entirely black, whereas
Bassus and Cremnops are red & black. Cremnops has a carina
extending from the lateral margin of the antenna to the lateral ocelli
(a great image of this is found here:
The carina is absent in
Bassus. There are other characters but these are the easiest to see in
these images. Ray Fisher