Photo Details - © Nicky Davis
Marmots along highway 15o in the Uintas
1.,2., 3. A young marmot was on one side of Highway 150
and the adults were on the other side. The adults seemed to be waiting
for the young one to cross the road, but there was some traffic and the
young one apparently didn't think he could make it across safely.
Marmots at Rock Cliff, July 22, 2003, Wasatch County, Utah
1. The guard
2. foraging
- The 18-26 inch long Marmots inhabit burrows on rocky slopes on
sides of mountain or a meadows.
- They live from 3 to 20 years eating forbs, clovers, alfalfa, grasses
and occasionally insects.
- Foxes, badgers, bears, Eagles, and mountain lions prey on them.
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