Uinta Ground Squirrel at Silver Lake
Ground Squirrel at Silver Lake
Ground Squirrel at Silver Lake
Potgut at Donut Falls Turnout
Rockcliff Nature Center
Photo Details ©Nicky Davis
1. Silver Lake, Salt Lake County,
Utah, June 11, 2010
2. Potgut at Donut Falls Turnoff
May 16, 2004 , Rockcliff Nature Center,
Wasatch County, Utah - ©Nicky Davis
This ground squirrel lives only in a
few places in the United States including Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and north
central Utah. They like dry meadows and grasslands near water. Their bodies
are 11-12 inches long with a 2.5-3 inch long tail. They are brown to buff
colored with a pale underbelly. The nose, ears and face are more cinnamon
colored. They have small round ears. They eat green vegetation, seeds, and
some insects. They live in burrows in colonies. .. Utah Division
of Wildlife
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