Photo Details 1. Flower, 2. turning
to seed, 3. turning to seed, 4. plumes, 5. leaves,
6. Plant October 31, 1004, Goshen Canyon, Utah County, Utah -
©Nicky Davis
Leaf from plant located at Blue Canyon, by Johnson's Pass, Tooele County,
syn. Cowania stansburiana==Purshia stansburiana
Five petaled, rose-like, 1-2 inch cream flowers with many stamen. Leaves
have three lobes at apex then one on each side below the apex. About
6-15 foot tall tree/shrub.
Large single fruits with 1 to 2 inch cream flowers with many stamen.
Aromatic and a bit sticky.
This plant is host for the Desert Elfin - Callophrys fotis ==Incisalia fotis
For photos click on
Desert Elfin Butterfly, Callophrys fotis==Incisalia fotis
For more information click on
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