Sego Lily
Calochortus gunnisonii
Liliaceae (Lily) Family

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sego lily_Birch Creek Reservoir road



Photos ©Nicky Davis

1.  On a hill along the road to Birch Creek Reservoir, Rich County, Utah - 26 June 2016
2. May 16, 2005 - near Arches National Park, Grand County, Utah  - 3.May 30, 2004  - Near Promontory Point, Box Elder County, Utah  -

Plants up to a foot high and are topped with flowers nearly 3 inches across. Each  petal has velvety patches of dark maroon and yellow at the base. It has yellow hairs at the top of these patches.  Sparse leaves are lance shaped.

Utah State Flower.  March 18, 1911, the Sego Lily was named  the Utah State Flower. From 1840 and 1851" food became very scarce in Utah due to a crop-devouring plague of crickets, and  families  learned to dig for and to eat the Sego Lily. The memory of this use, quite as much as the natural beauty of the flower, it was selected as the floral emblem of the State.  The bulbs can be eaten raw, fried or baked but it is illegal to dig the lilies.


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