Flower at Strawberry Reservoir, 24 June 2008

Flower at Strawberry Reservoir, 24 June 2008

Serviceberry berries at
Mirror Lake Highway, Pine Campground - 8 August 2008

Big Cottonwood Canyon, 29
August 2005

Big Cottonwood Canyon, 29 August 2005

Canyon Entrance

Photo Details - ©Nicky Davis
1. 2. Serviceberry flowers
at Strawberry Reservoir, 24 June 2008
3. Serviceberry berries at Mirror
Lake Highway, Pine Campground - 8 August 2008
1. berries, 2.
leaf - August 29, 2005 - Big Cottonwood Canyon,
Lake County, Utah - ©Nicky Davis
syn. Common Shadbush, Juneberry
15 foot tall
deciduous, perennial shrub or tree that grows up to the alpine
elevations. 2 inch long
alternate leaves that are toothed only
toward the tips. The leaves tend to be smooth or "glabrous". White, 3/5
inch long flowers on short clusters have 5 sepals. The petals
are 3
times longer than they are wide. The reddish, purple fruit is
sweet, has 2 seeds and is covered with a waxy bloom. Plant
contains tannic acids.American
Indians used the cambium for anti-inflammatory eyewashes or
eardrops. The berries make a good purple dye. Also used for
various stomach disorders. Berries can be dried or made into a
sweet jam. Note: Amelanchier utahensis petals are widly oval, the plant
grows at a
lower elevation in sagebursh, Pinyon-Juniper habitat and the underside
of the leaves are "pubescent" or hairy.
For photos of
butterflies that uses this plant as one of it's one of its larval
host plants, click
weidemeyeri - Weidemeyer's Admiral
californica - California Hairstreak
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