leaf margins (smooth and not serrated) on leaflets
that are four inches long on the pinate 20 inch
long leaf
Tree of Heaven
A fairly new plant only about 15 feet tall
11800 South Redwood Road , South West corner
Tree top
Details - ©Nicky Davis
Tree of Heaven was introduced in USA in 1784 with the idea that silk
could be made here using the silk worm, Saturniidae Samia cynthia or
(Ailanthus Silkmoth) which uses the leaves as the larval host plant.
. It has been now listed as a noxious plant in 46 states in the
U.S.A. It increases by producing suckers and by
seeds. It has a foul smell and it has allelopathic chemicals
which discourage other plants around it. It also regrows quickly
if you just cut it.
It is hort-lived and grows to 55 feet. It withstands temperatures
down to minus 18 F. Entire
leaf margins (smooth and not serrated) on leaflets that are
four inches long on the pinate 20 inch long leaf
Pronunciation = aye-lan-thuhs
Distribution Map
I have located this
tree to use in feeding Samia
cynthia caterpillars at these locations in Salt Lake City,
Riverton, Draper, South Jordan area
11405 South 13th West and east side of the road
2700 West 11700 South on east side of road
11800 South Redwood Road on the south west corner
A half of a block from the light on 12600 Sjouth and Redwood Road on
the west side of the road
In Draper, Utah at 505(about) East 13800 South on the north side
of the street in vacant lot in new subdivision
At the entrance to Farmington Canyon behind a chain link fence on west
side of the road
Emigration Canyon on the north side of 9th south street just past a
park at the entrance to the canyon.